Who We Are – May 2019

Update in Progress! New data will be from May 26-27 – we’re active so it is ALREADY out of date! Two clans listed and not all data is entered yet, but here’s Who We Are !

This month the roster includes a new “Roles and Honors” column. More will be added here – I just got this started – but for now:

Rec = Recruiter

WL = War Leader (will help you choose a target)

VW = Voice of Wisdom – mostly adults who have been in the clan for years, these people can provide all kinds of good advice and suggestions.

Instigator = very active player who livens up clan chat, makes people do challenge battles, and so on.

War Assassin – Ask XJam-8/JameziLord for special roles in wars.

Fresh New Guy – Welcome! Talk to us about what you’d like to do.

If you want a Role/Honor, talk to XJam-8! This is only the beginning…

P.S. I’m now able to pull clan data directly from the Clash API; now I’m working on a script that will update our roster data each month…